Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report


Message from the DU Campus Safety Chief

There is no higher priority here at the University of Denver (DU) than promoting the safety and security of our community so that our students, faculty, staff and visitors can learn, live, and work. We are fortunate to have the support and services of the best community- focused and engaged Campus Safety Department in the country looking out for all of us here.

The 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report includes information about the services the University provides and the resources available to the campus community. I encourage you to ask questions and share ideas with staff at the Department of Campus Safety or any of the other units listed as you take steps to protect yourself and help promote a safe, secure environment for all.

At DU, we continue to build a unique Department of Campus Safety. Our mission is to serve everyone on our campus, with student safety and security first in our thoughts and actions.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, the University makes available a copy of this Annual Security and Fire Safety Report online and/or you may also obtain a hard copy by contacting the Department of Campus Safety at 303-871-2334. This report includes crime statistics for the previous three years, institutional policies concerning campus safety, University response to reported crimes, security and other crime prevention information.

Newly enrolled students learn about living in the campus community during DU’s student orientation program. Topics include personal safety, crime reporting, emergency procedures, respect for others, alcohol, consent and sexual assault. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is produced by the Department of Campus Safety in collaboration with multiple units on campus as well as in cooperation with the Denver Police Department, the local law enforcement agency that provides services to DU properties within their jurisdiction.

Safety is a shared responsibility at DU, and we partner with student and employee leaders and others in the community to educate our students, faculty, staff and visitors about how we can all work together to look after one another, share information, and be active friends and bystanders promote safety and security in our community.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, we will continue to partner with student leaders and our professional colleagues in Student Affairs & Inclusive Excellence, Human Resources & Inclusive Community, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, and other campus units to educate and engage students in order to prevent crime, promote safe behaviors, and help one another to foster a safe campus environment. Areas of focus include getting students home safely, having a professionally trained and equipped corps of officers, and working diligently with campus neighbors and local businesses to prioritize student well-being.

We encourage our students, colleagues, families, community members and all stakeholders to reach out to us with their needs, concerns, and ideas. Please join us.

Michael Bunker  
Chief of Campus Safety  
University of Denver

Preparing the Report

DU values public accountability and transparency for campus safety action. Accordingly, DU complies with all applicable state and federal reporting laws, including the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”), which is a federal law requiring colleges and universities to disclose crime information on and around their campuses.

This Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) highlights safety practices and resources available to the DU community. It also includes DU policies concerning campus safety, crime prevention, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, alcohol and other drugs, other dangerous situations, access to the campus, and fire safety. All statements are applicable to each DU campus unless specifically stated otherwise.

The Clery and Compliance Coordinator prepares this ASFSR through collaboration with the Denver Police Department (DPD), Denver Fire Department (DFD), Glenwood Springs Police Department, Durango Police Department, Department of Campus Safety (DCS), the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (SRR), the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (EOIX), Housing and Residential Education (HRE), the Health and Counseling Center (HCC), the Office of Emergency Preparedness & Fire Safety, Office of General Counsel (OGC), and campus security authorities (CSA). CSAs are individuals who have significant responsibilities for students, employees, and DU activities.

Once data have been reviewed for accuracy for each DU campus and prior to October 1, DU notifies prospective and current students and employees of the report's availability, the electronic and physical address at which the report can be accessed, and a brief description of the contents via their students' and employees' email address.

The 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is posted on DU's Department of Campus Safety website at in Web and PDF format. Printed copies are available at the DU Campus Safety Center at 2130 S High St, Denver, CO 80208. Printed copies are also available at the Western Colorado Campus at 1101 Grand Ave, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 and the Four Corners Campus at 701 Camino Del Rio, Durango, CO 81301.

For more information regarding campus safety or to request a hard copy of the report, contact the DCS at 303.871.2334, e-mail the Clery and Compliance Coordinator at, or write to the DCS at 2130 S. High St., Denver, CO, 80208.

Disclosure of Crime Statistics

Certain crime statistics for the previous three years are included in this report, specifically, crimes that occurred on DU's campuses, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned and/or controlled by DU, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from DU's campuses.

The Clery and Compliance Coordinator collects crime statistics through several methods, including DCS Case Reports, CSA reports, and law enforcement crime records. Statistics within this report reflect the number of criminal incidents reported to DU, including reports to DCS and local law enforcement.

Next section: Reporting Crimes and Emergencies